Strawberry plants
We as Genson we have more than half a century of experience in strawberry cultivation. We know how to respond to the demands of the professional grower like no other. We supply various varieties and plant types tailored to your cultivation system,
Taste, shelf life and a good yield are important criteria when choosing a variety. We test new varieties in our trial site with which you can distinguish yourself on the market!
Tray plants
We supply tray plants in various sizes. From mini tray plants to normal and heavy tray plants, in both June-bearing and everbearing and in different varieties. Tray plants are especially suitable for the cultivation on substrate in greenhouses or tunnels. We use our own cutting material which is cut from mid-June to mid-August and then planted into trays. From mid-October the first tray plants are packed and stored in our cold stores. Delivery of the tray plants takes place in consultation with our customer.
Misted tips
Misted tips are rooted plug plants. They are available in various varieties of ever and junebearers. Misted tips are available from beginning August. They are a very good alternative to fresh plants. Delivery of the misted tips takes place in consultation with our customer.

Murano (CIV, IT)
- Everbearer variety
Murano is available in the following planttypes:
- 250cc Trayplants
- 130cc Trayplants
- 90cc Misted tips
- Fresh Glasshouse cuttings
We are pleased to inform you with further information.

Cantus (CIV, IT)
Everbearing variety
Cantus is available in following planttypes:
- 250cc Tray plants
- 130cc Tray plants
- 90cc Misted tips
- Fresh Glasshouse tips
We are pleased to inform you with further information.
Malling™ Champion (NIAB, UK)
- Everbearing Variety
Malling Champion is available in following planttypes:
- 250cc Tray plants
- 130cc Tray plants
- 90cc Misted tips
- Fresh Glasshouse tips
We are pleased to inform you with further information.
Malling ™Ace (NIAB, UK)
- Everbearing Variety
Malling Champion is available in following planttypes:
- 250cc Tray plants
- 130cc Tray plants
- 90cc Misted tips
- Fresh Glasshouse tips
We are pleased to inform you with further information.
Malling™ Centenary (NIAB. UK)
- Junebearing Variety
Malling Centenary is available in following planttypes:
- 250cc Tray plants
- 130cc Tray plants
- 90cc Misted tips
- Fresh Glasshouse tips
We are pleased to inform you with further information.
Favori (Flevoberry,NL)
- Everbearing variety
Favori is available in following planttypes:
- 250cc Tray plants
- 130cc Tray plants
- 90cc Misted tips
- Fresh Glasshouse tips
We are pleased to inform you with further information.
Florice (Flevoberry,NL)
- Everbearing variety
Florice is available in following planttypes:
- 250cc Tray plants
- 130cc Tray plants
- 90cc Misted tips
- Fresh Greenhouse tips
We are pleased to inform you with further information.
Bravura (FlevoBerry, NL)
- Everbearing variety
Bravura is available in following planttypes:
- 250cc Tray plants
- 130cc Tray plants
- 90cc Misted tips
- Fresh Glasshouse tips
We are pleased to inform you with further information.
Hademar (FlevoBerry, NL)
- Everbearing variety
Hademar is available in following planttypes:
- 250cc Tray plants
- 130cc Tray plants
- 90cc Misted tips
- Fresh Glasshouse tips
We are pleased to inform you with further information.

AuroraKarima (Mattivi breeding, IT)
- Everbearing variety
Aurora Karima is available in following planttypes:
- 250cc Tray plants
- 130cc Tray plants
- 90cc Misted tips
- Fresh Glasshouse tips

Albion (UCDavis, USA)
- Everbearing variety
Albion is available in following planttypes:
- 250cc Tray plants
- 130cc Tray plants
- 90cc Misted tips
- Fresh Glasshouse tips
We are pleased to inform you with further information.

San Andreas (UCDavis, USA)
- Everbearing variety
Albion is available in following planttypes:
- 250cc Tray plants
- 130cc Tray plants
- 90cc Misted tips
- Fresh Glasshouse tips
We are pleased to inform you with further information.